BP – Atlantis Oil Field Whistleblower Alleges Violations of False Claims
- April 10, 2012 by Qui Tam
- Federal False Claims Act, Government Contracts
A whistleblower who had previously alleged that BP committed a violation of the False Claims Act in 2002, has now filed a motion for summary judgment against BP in federal court in Houston, TX.
Kenneth Abbott, formerly a BP contractor on the Atlantis oil field, previously made claims that BP did not retain suitable engineering documents on Atlantis. It is a federal regulation that oil platforms must keep these documents on board. Just recently, Mr. Abbott has forthermore claimed that BP lied to the government about the platforms design and whether or not it was approved by registered engineers. While constructing Atlantis, BP did obtain permission from the Minerals Management Service to use ‘unstamped designs from a Swedish firm’, though they did not make it apparent that the greater part of the designs of the core components would be constructed by a shipbuilding company in Korea.
Food and Water Watch, an environmental group, has joined Abbott in his Houston suit against BP.
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