Strengthened Maryland FCA Signed Into Law – 30 States Now Have FCAs

Bills signed by Governor Larry Hogan, Speaker of the House Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller include, expanding the Maryland False Claims Act protecting whistleblowers.

Whistleblowers will be enticed to report fraud in companies doing work for state and local governments through the new Maryland False Claims act, rewarding them with a portion of the reclaimed funds as reward for their honesty, while also providing protection form on-the-job retaliation.

While Maryland’s previous false claims act only included medical fraud, the new act casts a larger net to include state and local government contractors.

Those who are found to have committed fraud will be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each violation.

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Experienced Attorneys

If you are aware of any person, corporation or entity that you think may be violating the Federal False Claims Act or a State False Claims Act, contact us today.